The dedication and care that is being given to the rhino in this fight for their survival by the ranger teams, vets and many others always humbles me. They will determinedly track a set of poachers spoor for kilometers on end through sweltering heat and difficult terrain and then still work right through the night. These same tough hardened rangers will also break down in tears when a poached rhino is found.
The care a vet gives to a wounded rhino or to an animal that is to be translocated shows a deep compassion that is sadly so often lacking in humanity these days. With people like this we WILL win this war against the organized criminals and we WILL ensure a future for these African icons - To all involved at the frontline I continue to humbly say thank you for your commitment and dedication!
Here a white rhino receives a tranquilizer as it is prepared for translocation to a place of safety.