
Sharks as the apex predators of the oceans fascinate people! They are critical to the oceans well-being and functioning but severe over-exploitation for their fins has led to a depletion of their numbers, with several species being critically endangered.

Fortunately, long-term and focused awareness is reducing the slaughter of the sharks and there is now a growing global recognition of their role and importance in the eco-system. Shark eco-tourism is a rapidly growing industry and sharks are now definately worth far more alive than dead.  

Great White Shark_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

1 of 12: A Great White Shark swims behind back-line in the De Hoop Marine Protected Area, Western Cape, South Africa

Great White Shark_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

2 of 12: Breaching Great White Shark, Dyer Island, Western Cape, South Africa

Discarded shark_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

3 of 12: Smooth Hound Shark caught by line fisher and abandoned on the beach, De Mond Nature Reserve, Western Cape, South Africa

Tiger Shark_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

4 of 12: Tiger Shark at the Dubai Fish Market, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Shark Finning_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

5 of 12: A diversity of shark species hauled ashore at the Dubai Fish Market, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Shark and Fish catch_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

6 of 12: Red Roman and Smooth Hound Shark catch, Struisbaai Harbour, Struisbaai, Western Cape, South Africa

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7 of 12: Shark meat for sale at the Dubai Fish Market, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Great White Shark_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

8 of 12: Researchers filming a Great White Shark as it swims past the boat, False Bay, Western Cape, South Africa

Shark in an Aquarium_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

9 of 12: A child watches a Ragged Tooth Shark in an aquarium, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Shark Toruism_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

10 of 12: International tourists watching a Great White Shark swimming past their boat, Gansbaai, Western Cape, South Africa

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11 of 12: Bull Rays swimming and feeding in the shallow waters of Langebaan Lagoon, West Coast National Park, Western Cape, South Africa

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12 of 12: Shark Spotter Safety Flag, Muizenberg Beach, False Bay, Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Visit African Conservation Photography for a full gallery of Shark images