Training and Mentoring For Rangers

Theoretical Training For Rangers_©PeterChadwick_AfricanConservationPhotographer

Provision of training, equipment and communications prepares rangers to be able to operate in the field. However it does not mean that they can operate effectively and this is why scenario training and mentoring during operations is so vital.

My approach to mentoring counter-poaching units is to ensure that each team member can fully take on the role of every other member while thinking independently and also being able to act as team leader.

This conservation photography project is carried out in partnership with the Game Rangers Association of Africa (GRAA) that provides support, networks and representation for game rangers across Africa. This conservation photography project will use rangers as the “lead characters” to highlight the issues faced by conservationists and showcase opportunities for improved support of rangers in the future. Positive and targeted messages will be communicated that emphasise the critical role that rangers play in African conservation in ensuring that the continent’s natural heritage is preserved for the benefit of future generations. Support Africa’s Rangers by supporting the GRAA.

Peter Chadwick is a Fellow of the International League of Conservation Photographers (iLCP) whose mission is to further environmental and cultural conservation through photography. The iLCP’s goal is to use the art of high-quality photography to encourage people to take action in support of tangible and meaningful conservation measures.